Samara State University of Economics

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Rector of Samara State University of Economics

Ashmarina Svetlana Igorevna

Academic degree: Doctor of Economics

Academic title: Professor

Area of research interests – S. I. Ashmarina has experience in conducting research in the field of change management in social and economic systems, management of information and research systems of higher education in the context of globalization. Professor Svetlana  Ashmarina prepared 12 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences.

Scientific School "Management of Changes in Enterprise Activity"

The research supervisor of scientific school is Ashmarina Svetlana Igorevna, the vice rector for scientific work and international relations of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education  "Samara State University of Economics", the Doctor of Economics, professor.

Scientific research within scientific school "Management of changes in business activity" aims at system research of sources of changes in business activity and development of theoretical-methodological provisions, methodical tools of management of changes in business activity, the systems of corresponding practical recommendations providing sustainable development of enterprise structures which are carrying out the activity on the territory of the Russian Federation which has to form the basis of organizational and economic mechanisms improvement of management of changes and  programs elaborations of strategic business development in the Russian Federation and also has to be considered when creating the program and normative documents adopted by public authorities and local government in the sphere of business support.

16 budgetary and economic-contractual research works on the issues of theory and methodology of organizational changes management of social and economic systems were implemented by the leading scientists of scientific school in 2012-2018.

Within the task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation the following research projects are implemented now:

  1. Development of the theory and methodology of knowledge management on micro and macrolevels of economy and society on the basis of modern information and telecommunication technologies (2011-2013);
  2. Formation of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of changes in social and economic systems (SES) in the conditions of globalization and development information знаниевой economies (2014-2016);
  3. Management of changes in the system of higher education on the basis of the concept of sustainable development and coordination of interests (2017-2019).

4 research projects are carried out with financial support of scientific funds:

  • Grant of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, Target competition of support of young scientists, "Development of Management Mechanism of Innovative Infrastructure of Economic Higher Education Institutions" project, 2011;
  • Grant NO "Innovative fund of the Samara region", "Creation of an Information and Analytical Control System of Scientific Research and Innovations in the Region on the basis of Monitoring of State Customers and Economic Entities Needs " project, 2012;
  • Grant of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, Competition of support for young scientists, project "Innovative Development as the basis for competitiveness increase of higher educational institutions", 2013-2014;
  • Grant of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, Competition of support for young scientists, project "All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Modernization of professional education: new tendencies in management of innovative development of economic higher education institutions", 2013.
  1.  Ashmarina, S.I. Resource saving innovative forms of the industrial enterprises [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.A. Lubnina, M.V. Shinkevich, N.A. Zaitseva, G.B. Sayfutdinova, I.I. Ishmuradova // International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. - 2016. - № 6 (2). - pp. 479 - 483.
  2. Ashmarina, S.I. Implementation of Financial Sustainability in Organizations through Valuation of Financial Leverage Effect in Russian Practice of Financial Management [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.S. Zotova, E.S. Smolina // International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. - 2016. - Vol. 11. - № 10. - pp. 3775-3782.
  3. Ashmarina, S.I. The system of marketing information management: development, assessment, improvement [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.S. Zotova // Economic Annals-XXI. - 2016. - № 7-8. - pp. 51-55.
  4. Ashmarina, S.I. Methodical Bases for the Regional Information Potential Estimation [Text] / S.I.Ashmarina, G.R.Khasaev, V.V.Mantulenko, S.V.Kasarin, E.M. Dorozhkin // International Journal of Environmental and Science Education - IJESE. - 2016. Vol. 11. - № 15. - pp. 7715-7725.
  5. Ashmarina, S.I. Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises / S.I.Ashmarina, A.V.Streltsov, E.M. Dorozhkin, M.Vochozka, A.M.Izmailov // IEJME-Mathematics Education – IEJME. - 2016. - Vol.11 - № 7. - pp. 2581-2591.
  6. Ashmarina, S.I. Improving the information system of university management [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, E.Y. Levina, G.M. Mustafina, V.M. Nigmetzyanova, R.M. Galiyev, N.A. Chalkina, T.S. Yeremeyeva // Review of European Studies. - 2015. - Vol. 7. - № 1. - 109-116 p. URL: ·
  7. Ashmarina, S.I. The study of the maturity level of the university staff satisfaction estimation processes [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, T.A. Salimova, N.A. Novokreshchenova // Review of European Studies. - 2015. - Vol. 7. - № 2. - 29-39 pp.
  8. Ashmarina, S.I. The peculiarities of organization change management in integrated economic systems [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, T.A. Salimova, R.G. Khasaev, A.S. Zotova // Review of European Studies. - 2015. - Vol. 7. - № 2. - 40-48 pp.
  9. Ashmarina, S.I. Methodical estimation basic concepts of organization changes’ requirements level and enterprises’ readiness to their implementation [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, G.R. Khasaev // Review of European Studies. - 2015. - Vol. 7. - № 2. - 1-9 pp. ·
  10. Ashmarina, S.I. Methodological basis of higher education institution competiveness assessment [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, G.R. Khasaev, I.A. Plaksina // Review of European Studies. - 2015. - Vol. 7. - № 2. - 49- 57 pp. ·
  11. Ashmarina, S.I. The mechanisms of innovations support: the role of intercollegiate innovation infrastructure [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.S. Zotova // Actual problems of economics. - 2015. - № 1(163). - 91-98 pp. URL:
  12. Ashmarina, S.I. Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, R.R. Khanmurzina, O.V. Sinitzyn, A.F. Kaviyev, E.A. Burdukovskaya, I.V. Lebedeva // Review of European Studies. – 2015. - Vol. 7. - № 1. - 41-45 pp.
  13. Ashmarina, S.I. The Reasoning for Methodical Instruments of Evaluation of Organization Readiness, Possibility and Necessity to Implement the Organizational Changes [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.S. Zotova // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 6. - №3. – P. 44-48.
  14. Ashmarina, S.I. The Approaches to the Classification of Enterprise Sustainability Factors [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.S. Zotova, D.S. Kandaurova // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 6. - №3. – P. 247-250.
  15. Ashmarina, S.I. Structure and Development of the Intellectual Potential of the Industrial Enterprise Personnel [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.Z. Gafiyatullina, A.V. Pavlova, M.V. Vesloguzova, R.K. Takhaviev, I.B. Kashirina // Review of European Studies. – 2015. - Vol. 7, № 1. doi: 10.5539/res.v7n1p1.
  16. Ashmarina, S.I. The Influence of Globalization Factor on Sustainable Development of Russian Organizations [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, D.S. Kondaurova, A.S. Zotova // International Journal of Economic Perspectives. - 2015. - Vol. 9, № 4. ·
  17. Ashmarina, S.I. Organizational and economic trends improving the enterprise readiness to changes [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.S. Zotova // International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM2014), 2014. ·
  18. Ashmarina, S.I. Methods of assessment of enterprise potential to changes [Text] / S.I.Ashmarina, G.R. Khasaev, A.S. Zotova // Life Science Journal. - 2014. - № 11. - С. 606-609. ·
  19. Ashmarina, S.I. Organizational and economic trends to enhance enterprise readiness to changes [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, A.S. Zotova // Actual Problems of Economics. - 2014. - № 10(160). - 121-127 pp. URL:
  20. Ashmarina, S.I. Improving marketing information system of an industrial enterprise as the most important element of change management system [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, E.V. Pogorelova, A.S. Zotova // Actual problems of economics. - 2014. - № 11 (161). - P. 348-355.
  21. Ashmarina, S.I. Comparing the informatization results for the economy: Russian Federation vs. Samara region [Text] / S.I. Ashmarina, G.R. Khasaev, S.V. Kazarin // Actual problems of economics. - 2014. - Т. 162. - № 12. - pp. 453-461.

Participation of S.I. Ashmarina in grants:

  • RHF: 11-32-00239 а1 - "Elaboration of instruments for Economics HEIs innovation infrastructure management" 2011 - 2011
  • RHF: 13-32-01012 а1 - "Innovative development as the basis of HEIs competitiveness enhancement" 2013 - 2014

Vice-Rector for Research, Samara State University of Economics

Pavlova Adelia Vadimovna

Academic degree: Doctor of Economics

Academic title: Associate Professor

Pavlova Adelia Vadimovna was born on 07/03/1974 in the city of Kazan, TASSR.

KFEI them. V.V. Kuibyshev, diploma in economics with a degree in enterprise economics (1991-1995). The topic of the thesis is “Product quality management on the example of JSC Ildan.

Postgraduate study of KFEI in the direction 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy" (1995-1998)

Candidate thesis "Economics and National Economy Management" (1998). The topic of the dissertation is "Organizational potential in the management of a firm's activities by the example of light industry enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Diploma of the Business School of the Open University of Great Britain in "Management" (1995-1999)

Doctoral thesis "Organization of production (economic sciences)" (2011). The topic of the thesis is "Methodology of change management in the organization of engineering production".

Sphere of scientific interests

- Studying the processes of organizational change at Russian enterprises and ways of managing them.

- Management of organizational development of enterprises.

- Study of the organization as a system, from the point of view of the theory of chaos: the theory of chaos in the development of the organization; self-developing systems.

- Studying the problems of formation and rational use of the management potential of the enterprise.

- Leadership psychology.

- Peculiarities of the psychological state of the personnel of the enterprise in the conditions of organizational changes.

- Management of the modernization of industrial enterprises.

More than 110 scientific papers have been published, including in top-rated publications indexed by the international scientific citation databases Scopus and Web of Science, as well as more than 350 educational and educational-methodical works.


-supervise the scientific and innovative activities of the University; supervises the conduct of research work at the University;

-supervise the basic educational programs of postgraduate studies;

-coordinate the interaction of the University with scientific institutions, research and production organizations, coordinate the cooperation of the University in the field of scientific activities on the basis of intergovernmental agreements, as well as contracts concluded by the University with other educational institutions and organizations.

A.S. Zotova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor

Area of research interests – digital transformation of industrial enterprises, entrepreneurship, e-learning and education, change management in high education system.

  1. Zotova A.S , Ashmarina S.I., Khasaev G.R,. Methods of assessment of enterprise potential to changes// Life Sci J 2014;11(11):606-609] (ISSN:1097-8135). 110
  2. Zotova A. S., Ashmarina S.I.,. Organizational and economic trends to enhance enterprise readiness to changes// Actual Problems of Economics. 2014; 10 (160). Kyiv, Ukraine.
  3. Zotova A.S. ,Ashmarina S.I., ,  Pogorelova E.V. Improving marketing information system of an industrial enterprise as the most important element of change management system// Actual Problems of Economics. 2014; 11 (161). Kyiv, Ukraine.
  4. Zotova A.S. ,Ashmarina S.I., The Peculiarities of Organization Change Management in Integrated Economic Systems.//Review of European Studies. 2015; Vol.7, No.2
  5. Zotova A.S ,Ashmarina S.I.,. Organizational and economic trends improving enterprise readiness to changes// SGEM Conference on political Sciences, Law, Finance,Economics and Tourism, Volume 4 ISBN 978-619-7105-28-5/ISSN 2367-5659 DOI:10.5593/sgemsocial2014B24 Section:Economics and Tourism
  6. Zotova A.S., Kandrashina E., Ivliev A., Charaeva M. ,The basis of evaluation of Strategy Development Effectiveness of the enterprise// International journal of environmental and science education.-2016. Vol/11, No. 14., 6715-6725
  7. Zotova A.S., Ashmarina S.I. The system of marketing information management: development, assessment, improvement//.Economic Annals –XXI.-2016.-Vol.160., Issue 7-8., 51-55
  8. Zotova A.S., V.V. Mantulenko, N.I. Kraskova, A.G. Kislov, Zuzanna Rowland New values as the basis for innovation// International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2016, Volume 10, Issue 3. P. 94-100.

Participation of A.S. Zotova in grants:


Scientific School "Management system of providing support of business and innovative development of Russian organizations"

The research supervisor is Zhabin Alexander Petrovich, the head of the department of management of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education  "Samara State University of Economics", Doctor of Economics, professor.

Scientific research within scientific school aims at theoretical justification of the systems of management providing support of enterprise intensions and innovative orientation of the modern Russian organizations and also at the development of practical mechanisms and managerial tools of processes of changes.

The founder of scientific school professor Zhabin A.P. has rich practical experience in management of complex management systems and also experience of applied research and consulting work on the issues of improvement of management system. He published more than 100 scientific works, including in foreign editions. Under its scientific management 18 candidate and 9 doctoral dissertations are defended.

By the leading scientists of scientific school in 2012-2017 12 budgetary economic-contractural research works were fulfilled on the issues of the theory and practice of management of innovative processes in enterprise structures.

Within the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation the research project "Formation of the Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Management of Changes in the Social and Economic Systems (SES) in the conditions of Globalization and Development Information Znaniyevoy Economies" (2014-2016) is executed;

V.B. Zvonovskii, Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor

Area of research interests – sociology of childhood, social networks, socialization, cyber socialization, sociology of space, sociology of  electoral behavior, collective consciousness, methods and methodology of  sociological research.

  1. Zvonovskii, V.B. Choice of the research method and samplings implementation [Text] / V.B. Zvonovskii // Sociological journal. - 2012. - Issue 1. - pp. 107-117.
  2. Zvonovskii, V.B. Experience in net preschoolers’ behavior [Text] / V.B. Zvonovskii, E.P. Pecherskaya, D.Yu. Merkulova, V.А. Pleshakov, М.G. Matskevich // Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics. - 2013. - Issue 107. - pp. 143-146.
  3. Zvonovskii, V.B. Do Russians love "foreign" agents? [Text] / V.B. Zvonovskii // Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social changes. - 2013. - Issue 4(116). - pp. 43-51.8.
  4. Zvonovskii, V.B. Development of the efficient information society in Russia and study of the children’s internet audience [Text] / V.B. Zvonovskii, E.P. Pecherskaya, D.Yu. Merkulova // Initiatives of the XXI century. - 2013. - Issue 3. - pp. 100-103.
  5. Zvonovskii, V.B. First steps in the Internet [Text] / V.B. Zvonovskii, D.Yu. Merkulova, E.P. Pecherskaya, М.G. Matskevich, V.А. Pleshakov // Sociological studies. - 2014. - Issue 8.
  6. Zvonovskii, V.B. Material wealth as a factor of the Russian doctor self-identification/ V.B. Zvonovskii, Merkulova D.Yu., Solovjeva Yu.V.// Тeleskop: journal of sociological and marketing studies. 2015,  Issue 1, pp. 38-41.
  7. Zvonovskii, V.B. Forms of social activities in new territorial communities / V.B. Zvonovskii, Merkulova D.Yu. // Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social changes, 2015, Issue 1, pp. 82-102.
  8. Zvonovskii, V.B., Merkulova D.Yu., Sablina О.I. Image of the Volga cities in mass consciousness of their inhabitants: monograph. – Samara: Publishing house of Samara State University of Economics, 2014.
  9. Zvonovskii, V.B. Image of a city as a resource / Zvonovskii V. B., Merkulova D.Yu., Solovjeva Yu.V. // Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social changes. 2015. Issue 4. pp.104-113.DOI: 0.14515 /monitoring.2015.4.06
  10. Zvonovskii, V.B. Competition and solidarity in new territorial communities. // Zvonovskii, V.B., Merkulova D.Yu.// Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics. 2015. Issue 2 (124). pp. 35-40.
  11. Zvonovskii, V.B. Choice of the research method and samplings implementation [Text] / V.B. Zvonovskii // Sociological journal. - 2012. – Issue 1. - pp.101-117. URL:
  12. Zvonovskii, V.B., Solovjeva Yu.V. Adaptation of the APPOR final code system for  cati-technique in Russia [Text] / V.B. Zvonovskii, Yu.V. Solovjeva // Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social changes. - 2017. – Issue 4. - pp.104-113.DOI: 10.14515/monitoring.2017.3.06.

Participation of V.B. Zvonovskii in grants:

  1. The grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation № 13-03-00364 "Segmentation of children and teenagers of 4-15 years old with various degree of involvement into the Internet space ", 2013, executive
  2. The grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation № 14-13-63004 "Image of the Volga cities in mass consciousness of their inhabitants ", 2014, supervisor.
  3. The grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation № 15-36-01500 "International Scientific-Practical Conference of Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists «Social behavior of youth in the Internet: new trends in the globalization»", 2015, executive

Zhabin A. P. , Doctor of Economics, Professor

Research work - "Mechanisms of management of introduction of RES at the regional level" (2018-2019) (The Research supervisor Khansevyarov R.I.)

The research project "Methodology and Tools of Management Accounting, Analysis and Audit of Investment Activities of Commercial Organization" is realized with financial support of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund (2013-2015).

E.V. Volkodavova, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Area of research interests – economic theory and methodology, organization and management of activity of industrial enterprises, complexes, clusters: foreign economic activity, international management, knowledge management; management theory and methodology of socioeconomic systems

  1. Volkodavova, E. V. Dichotomy of import substitution and cooperation strategies in industry [Text]  / E. V. Volkodavova, A. P. Zhabin, G. I. Yakovlev //  Economic Annals-XXI. – 2016. - Issue 162 (11-12). - pp. 49-52. (Web of Science) 
  2. Volkodavova, Е.V. Import substitution as a factor of efficiency of activity of the industrial enterprise in conditions of unsustainable economic environment [Text] / Е. V. Volkodavova, А. P. Zhabin // Organizer of Production. – 2016. -  Issue 1. – pp. 54-60.
  3. Volkodavova, Е.V. Development of tools of import substitution in modern conditions of business dealing in the industry of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] / Е. V. Volkodavova, А. P. Zhabin, N. A. Negonova // Naukovedenie. – 2016. – Volume 8. – Issue 2. 
  4. Volkodavova, Е.V. Strategic guidelines of import substitution in the Russian industrial enterprises [Text] / Е. V. Volkodavova, А. P. Zhabin // Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics. – 2016. – Issue 6 (140). - pp. 82-88.
  5. Volkodavova, Е.V. Formation of the policy of import substitution in the industry of the Russian Federation [Text] / Е. V. Volkodavova, А. P. Zhabin // Humanities, Social-economic and Social Sciences. – 2016. – Issue 5. - pp. 151-156.
  6. Volkodavova, Е.V. Evaluation method of demand for import substitution at the industrial enterprise [Text] /Е. V. Volkodavova, А. P. Zhabin// Organizer of Production. - 2016. – Issue  3 (70). - pp. 5-17.

Evelina Pavlovna Pecherskaya, Doctor of Pedagogy, PhD in Economics, Professor, has a lot of governmental honours. She successfully combines pedagogical and scientific activity with administrative work as the director of Management Systems Institute, the director of the Business Education Centre and the head of numerous international projects.

From 2004 to 2007  E. P. Pecherskaya participated in the international TEMPUS project implementation that aims at synchronization and harmonization of training programs and students and faculty academic mobility.

Since 2010 E. P. Pecherskaya has been the head of the regional innovative project "Young entrepreneur" and the programs of additional vocational education for Samara region students on the request of economy real sector enterprises.

In 2011 she became a regional manager of the international research project "Global Research of Entrepreneurial Students Spirit". On the international level this project was coordinated by the Swiss Research Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen. She is a member of the Expert Council of the Russian Businessmen Association, has a number of acknowledgement certificates for the participation in the international research projects on the  identification of students enterprise intentions. 

In 2013 she became the holder of the Russian Humanitarian Fund Grant on carrying out All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students, graduates and young scientists "Modernization of vocational education: new tendencies in innovative development management of universities of economics”.

From 2009 to 2014 E.P. Pecherskaya was the head of international educational project (Bachelor of Business Studies-BABS) implemented by Open University Business School of Great Britain and the International LINK Management Institute along with Samara State University of Economics within the framework of the global educational alliance "Global Bachelor of Business Alliance".

E.P. Pecherskaya is the expert of vocational and public program accreditation, the participant of the international projects, including Erasmus + "Enhancement of higher education and corporate sectors integration in accordance with new social environment", the member of Coordination Council of the Central Bank on experts certification in the financial market, the member of National Association of training in business, the expert of the Russian Association of Business Education, the  member of an editorial board of the “SSUE Vestnik” journal, the University of Vernadsky journal, Tambov, the editor-in-chief of the journal IZA SSUE.

E.P. Pecherskaya is the accredited expert of the quality management system of ISO 9000-2000; completed internship on cooperation between Handicrafts Chambers of Germany and the Russian Federation in the Educational and Technological Centre of Handicrafts Chamber in  Leipzig from 15.02.2017  to20.02.2017; was awarded with the prize of the Governor of the Samara region for outstanding achievements in solving social and economic problems of the Samara region in 2016; was a winner of the competition "The Woman of Year of the Urban District Samara — 2013" in the Woman - Scientist nomination; was the grant holder of the  Russian Foundation for Humanities in 2013, the project No. 13-32-14120 on holding the All-Russian scientific and practical conference for students, graduates and young scientists "Modernization of vocational education: new tendencies in management of innovative development of universities of economics".

Pecherskaya E.P. was the grant holder of the  Russian Foundation for Humanities in  2013, project No. 13-03-00364 carrying out the research on "Segmentation of children and teenagers of 4-15 years old with various degree of the involvement into the Internet environment"; was the  grant holder of the  Russian Foundation for Humanities in 2015, the project No. 15-36-01500 on holding the international scientific and practical conference for students, postgraduates and young scientists "Social behavior of youth on the Internet: new trends during a globalization era”


1) Scientific School "Forecast, strategic planning and programming of complex development of regional social and economic systems"

Khasaev Gabibulla Rabadanovich is the former rector of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education  "Samara State University of Economics", Doctor of Economics, Professor, honored economist of the Russian Federation, the winner of the Provincial award in science and technology, the winner of the Governor award of the Samara region, the vice-president of the Employers Union of the Samara region, the chairman of the Samara regional office of the Russian Geographical Society, and is a founder of this scientific school.

Within the task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation the research project "Development of Methods and Information Technologies of Macroeconomic Modelling and Strategic Planning of Energy Efficient Development of Fuel and Energy Complex of the Territorial Subject of the Russian Federation" (2017-2019) is implemented.

In 2018 projects continue to be implemented by school of sciences actively with financial support of scientific funds:

  • Grant of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, Main competition 2016, project title "Biospheric wildlife reserve: system justification of the processes of social, economic, ecological development” 2016-2018 (head of the project Khasaev G. R.);
  • Grant of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research, main competition 2017, project title "Innovative Development of Russian Regions in the Conditions of Sanctions: influence estimation, differentiation, opportunities for advancing development", 2017-2018 (the head of the project Khmeleva G.A.);
  • Grant of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research, Main competition 2017, title "Theoretical and Practical Issues of Industrial Policy of Development of Public-Private and Municipal- Private Partnership in the Innovative Environment" project 2018-2019 (the head of the project Bazhutkina L.P).

In 2018 on the basis of scientific school the Research institute of regional development is created which director is Polyanskova Natalya Vadimovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor, the member of council, the executive director of the Samara regional office of the Russian Geographical Society. The aim of the Institute is to carry out complex basic and applied research of the issues of regional development for various state and non-state customers, including implementation of the projects on the basis of the grants allocated by domestic and foreign funds (RNF, the Russian Federal Property Fund, etc.), rendering paid scientific and educational and consulting services to legal entities and individuals.

Khmeleva G. A., Doctor of Economics, Professor

Scientific School "Forecast, strategic planning and programming of complex development of regional social and economic systems"


  • Galina Khmeleva, Nicholay Tyukavkin, Olga Bulavko, Alina Prosvetova and Kristina Egorova (2017). The regional allocation of labor resources in the context of economic restructuring and renewal: using a case from
  • Russia. Problems and Perspectives in Management (open-access), 15(3), 377-393
  • Khmeleva G.A., Bulavko O.A. From the 2008 to the 2014 Crisis: Response of the Labor Market of Russia’s Largest Cities. International journal of environmental & science education 2016, vol. 11, no. 4. P. 3791-3806.
  • Popkova E.G., Khmeleva G.A., Ostrovskiy V.I.  Innovative approach to providing economic security // Актуальні проблеми економіки. 2015. №7(169) p. 99-105.
  • Khmeleva G. A., Orlova L. V., Bulavko O. A., Kostromin K.O., Umerbaeva S.K. Identification of Perspective Transborder Clusters of Russia and Kazakhstan (Scopus). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. Vol. 6 No. 4 S2 July 2015. pp.302-312
  • Khmeleva G.A. Marketing Mechanism of Consumer Demand for Ecological Products Identification / Uliana A. Pozdniakova , Larisa V. Ponomareva , Viacheslav U. Lapshin , Alexey V. Bolotin & Galina A. Khmeleva // Asian Social Science, 2014, Vol. 10, No. 23, Pp. 123-134.
  • Khmeleva G.A. Mechanism of Rural Entrepreneurship Development on the Base of Micro-business / Tatiana A. Zabaznova, Svetlana E. Karpushova, Elena V. Patsyuk, Olga A. Surkova, Galina A. Khmeleva // Asian Social Science, 2014, Vol. 10, No. 23, Pp. 168-177.


  • Khmeleva G.A., Tyukavkin N.M., Sviridova S.V., Chertopyatov D.A. Cluster development of the region on the basis of innovation under the sanctions (case study of the petrochemical complex in the Samara Oblast). Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2017, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 83-98. DOI: 10.15838/esc/2017.5.53.6
  • Khmeleva G. A., Egorova K. S. Structural shift in a city labor market: globalization and local effects. 16th International Scientific Conference Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences University of Zilina. Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic. 5th – 6th October 2016. pp.855-863

Scopus, Wos

  • Litvinova T.N., Khmeleva G.A., Ermolina L.V., Alferova T.V., Cheryomushkina I.V.  Scenarios of Business Development in the Agricultural Machinery Market Under Conditions of International Trade Integration. Contemporary Economics. vol. 10 (2016)  pp. 323-332 DOI:10.5709/ce.1897-9254.219

Tsybatov V. A., Doctor of Economics, Professor

  1. Khasaev G., Tsybatov V. The energy-efficient development of the Russian Federation entity: models and information technologies. - International Journal of Environmental Science. – Vol. 2, 2017, pp.373-385.
  2. Khasaev G., Tsybatov V.  Tooling of Modeling and Strategic Planning of Energy-Efficient Development of the Regional Fuel and Energy Complex/ - Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry. -  2017;12 (Interdisciplinary Perspective on Sciences 7b):1169–1182. - DOI:
  3. Tsybatov V. Multipurpose Management in the Tasks of Strategic Planning. Mediterranean Journal of Social SciencesMCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy, Vol 6 No 6 S3, November 2015.
  4. Tsybatov V., Mikhaylovsky L. Formation of a Basic Target Plan as a Foundation of Goal-Setting in Strategic Planning for Regional Socio-Economic Development. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy, Vol 6 No 6 S3, November 2015
  5. Tsybatov V. Technology of forecasting of socio economic activity of region, based on methods of balances / Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering XIII. (Editors R.A.Adey, G.Rzevski, P.Nolan), Computational Mechanics Publications, Southamption, UK, - 1998, pp. 69-73..
  6. Vittikh V., Tsybatov V., Campbell I., Whitehair R.  A General Modeling Tool  for Hibrid System. / IEEE/IFAC Joint Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design., Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1994.
    URL -
  7. Tsybatov V. Suplementing of computer models in the course of simulation. / Applications  of  Artificial  Intelligence in Engineering VIII. Computational Mechanics  Publications,  Southamption. Vol 2: Applications and Techniques. (Editors   G.Rzevski,  J.Pastor, R.A.Adey ). 1993, pp.128-144..
    URL -
  8. Tsybatov V. Design and Implementation of a Prototype  Intelligent  System  for  volution  Design  of  Dynamic  Objects. /  Applications  of  Artificial  Intelligence  in Engineering VI (Editors G.Rzevski, R.A.Adey) Computational Mechanics   Publications, Southamption, 1991, pp.258-268.
    URL -
  9. 9. Vittikh, V.A., Kalinin, B.V., Tsybatov, V.A. Optimization of communication networks of distributed systems / Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing (English translation of Avtometriya)Issue 6, 1984, Pages 12-16.
    URL -
  10. Vittikh, V.A., Kuklin, G.N., Tomnikov, G.N., Tsybatov, V.A. Structural optimization of systems for experimental data acquisition / Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 1978. - Volume 12, Issue 2, 1978, Pages 59-65.

V.Z. Abdrakhimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Area of research interests - industrial wastes, construction materials, physico-chemical processes, combustion process, environment protection, porosity structure.

  1. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Influence investigation of waste content of oil production and petrochemistry on physical-mechanical properties of ceramic brick, carried out by regression method [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, A.K. Kairakbaev, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Материаловедение. – 2017. – Issue 6. – pp. 31-35.
  2. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Effect of Different Coal-Enrichment Wastes on the Physical and Mechanical Properties and Phase Composition of Heat-Insulation Materials [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, A.K. Kairakbaev, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo I Keramika).– 2017. - Issue 2. – pp. 23-28.
  3. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Effect of Different Coal-Enrichment Wastes on the Physical and Mechanical Properties and Phase Composition of Heat-Insulation Materials [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, A.K. Kairakbaev, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo I Keramika). – 2017. – Volume 74, Issue 1-2, Pages 55-59.
  4. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. The prospective use of waste coal in the production of insulating material without the use of traditional natural materials [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Perspektivnye materialy. – 2017. – Issue 3. – pp. 69-77.
  5. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Use of oil waste for production of porous heat-resistant concretes on phosphate binders [Text] V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova  // Perspektivnye materialy. – 2017. – Issue 4. – pp. 55-64.
  6. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Phase composition of heat-insulation materials based on oil-shale wastes [Text] Phase composition of heat-insulation materials based on oil-shale wastes [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, A.K. Kairakbaev, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo I Keramika).– 2015. - Issue 3. – pp. 22-26.
  7. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Phase composition of heat-insulation materials based on oil-shale wastes [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, A.K. Kairakbaev, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo I Keramika). – 2015. – Volume 72, Issue 3,  pp. 96-99.
  8. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Phase composition of heat-insulating materials prepared from carbon-containing wastes [Text]/ V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Solid Fuel Chemistry. – 2014. - Issue 4. – pp. 52-58.
  9. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Phase composition of heat-insulating materials prepared from carbon-containing wastes [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Solid Fuel Chemistry. – 2014. – Volume 48, Issue 4, Pages 265-271.
  10. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Properties of structural insulation ceramic materials from a mixture of intershale clay and anthracite flotation wastes [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Solid Fuel Chemistry. – 2014. - Issue 5. – pp.  30-34.
  11. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Properties of structural insulation ceramic materials from a mixture of intershale clay and anthracite flotation wastes [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Solid Fuel Chemistry. – 2014. – Volume 48, Issue 5, Pages 302-306.
  12. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Study of combustion processes in firing of a heat-insulator produced from technogenic raw materials from nonferrous metallurgy and power industry [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. – 2012. –Volume 85. Issue 8. – pp. 1247-1252.
  13. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Study of combustion processes in firing of a heat-insulator produced from technogenic raw materials from nonferrous metallurgy and power industry [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. – 2012. - Issue 8/ - pp. 1186-1191.
  14. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Application of waste coal to the manufacture of heat-insulating materials [Text]/ V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Solid Fuel Chemistry. – 2012. – Issue 2. – pp. 67-73.
  15. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Application of waste coal to the manufacture of heat-insulating materials [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Solid Fuel Chemistry. – 2012. – V. 46. - Issue 2. – pp. 132-137.
  16. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Characterization of a ceramic composite material based on beidellite clay and ash-and-slag waste [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Solid Fuel Chemistry. – 2012. – Issue 3. – pp. 49-55.
  17. Abdrakhimov, V.Z. Characterization of a ceramic composite material based on beidellite clay and ash-and-slag waste [Text] / V.Z. Abdrakhimov, E.S. Abdrakhimova // Solid Fuel Chemistry. – 2012. – V. 46. - Issue 3. – pp. 185-190.

The research supervisor of the school is Kovaliova Tatyana Mikhailovna, head of the chair of finance and credit of Samara State University of Economics", the Doctor of Economics, professor.

Scientific school "Public finances and banking"

Research within the scientific school "Public finances and banking" aims at the identification of the reasons for instability of financial systems in the conditions of financial globalization, at the development of enhancement of budgetary financing, at the regulation of insurance market, the organization of enterprises finance, at the improvement of credit activity, development of functioning techniques of financial relations in the conditions of globalization.

 The leading scientists of scientific school in 2012-2017 performed 9 economic-contractural research works on the issues of regulation of financial and credit relations in the Russian Federation in the conditions of globalization.

The head of scientific school, Dr. of Economics, professor Kovalyova T. M. in 2013 is conferred the Provincial award in science and technology in the Economic Sciences nomination for the monograph "Financial Globalization and Budgetary System of the State" and is a recipient of the Provincial grant in science and technology for 2016 (for scientific and methodical development of "A basis of financial literacy").

М.Е. Konovalova, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Area of research interests – intellectual capital, human capital, evolution of economic development institutions, development institutions, institutional interests, institutional efficiency, modernization, social reproduction, public-private partnership, modernization strategy, innovation infrastructure, reproduction infrastructure.

Scientific School "Resources Reproduction of Economic and Institutional Development"

  1. Konovalova, M.E. State regulation in the course of formation of the balanced model of social reproduction [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova //Economics and property management. - 2015. – Issue 2. - pp. 13-21.
  2. Konovalova, M.E. Crisis phenomena as a form of structural disbalance settlement [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova, А.М. Mikhailov, N.P. Perstneva // Economic and Law Issues. - 2015. - Issue 83. - pp. 66-71.
  3. Konovalova, M.E. State strategies of structural transformations of the social reproduction system in conditions of modernization of the Russian economy [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova // Scientific Review. - 2014. - Issue 5. - pp. 245-252.
  4. Konovalova, M.E. Creation and development of the regional network of industrial parks: investment aspect [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova, О.S. Evseev // Scientific Review. - 2014. - Issue 10-1. - pp. 251-256.
  5. Konovalova, M.E. Development of small and medium business as the basis of modernization process in the Samara region [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova // Economic and Law Issues. - 2014. - Issue 74. - pp. 39-42.
  6. Konovalova, M.E., Assessment of the region’s intellectual potential [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova, О.Yu. Kuzmina, Е.Yu. Pronina //Economic and Law Issues. - 2014. - Issue 74. - pp. 70-74.
  7. Konovalova, M.E.  The role of the intellectual capital in the economic development of the region [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova, О.Yu. Kuzmina, Е.Yu. Pronina // Humanities, Social-Economic and Social Sciences. - 2014. - Issue 11-2. - pp. 164-169.
  8. Konovalova, M.E. Theoretical approaches to research of innovative and investment activities of enterprises [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova, N.P. Milyutkina // Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics. - 2013. - Issue 7 (105). - pp. 34-38
  9. Konovalova, M.E. Public-private partnership as the basis of high-quality transformation of the reproduction process [Text] / М.Е. Konovalova, О.S. Еvseev // Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics. - 2013. - Issue 6 (104). - pp. 64-70.

Participation of M.E. Konovalova in grants:

The grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, project "Insight: modernization of the Samara region’s economy through the prism of global changes" (supervisor), 2014.

Sosunova Lilyana Alekseevna, head of the chair of marketing, logistics and advertizing, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Scientific School "Economy and Organization of National Economy: Logistics, Marketing, Economy, Enterprise Organization and Management, Branches, Complexes in Service Trade"

Scientific research within Scientific School "Economy and organization of national economy: logistics, marketing, economy, enterprise organization and management, branches, complexes in service trade" aims at the development of the theory of administrative decisions adoption in logistics and management of delivery chains, studying current trends of service market development, justification of methodological approaches and the principles of marketing on the basis of the research of conceptual provisions of management theory.

The leading scientists of Scientific School in 2012-2018 performed 20 budgetary and economic research works on the issues of logistics and service trade development. The largest research work "The Audit of Effectiveness of the Performance of Public and Executive Authorities of the Samara Region" has been completed by the order of the Department of the Administration of the Governor of the Samara region and the Government of the Samara region (2012-2014). One of projects was supported by the Russian Federal Property Fund (grant) - "Strategic Decisions in Logistics of Enterprises Supply with Railway Transport" project (2017).

The research supervisor of the school is Streltsov Alexei Viktorovich, the head of the chair of economy, organization and development strategy of Samara State University of Economics, the Doctor of Economics, Professor.

Scientific School "Problem of Economy Improvement, Organization and Management of Industrial Enterprises"

Scientific research within Scientific School "Problem of Improvement of Economy, the Organization and Management of the Industrial Enterprises" aims at the development of scientific bases of industrial policy’s formation of developing region on the basis of cluster approach, improvement of cost management system at machine-building enterprises in the conditions of external environment’s instability, use of new knowledge on increase in efficiency of realization of investment strategy of the industrial enterprises.

The leading scientists of scientific schools in 2012-2017 performed 12 economic research works on the issues of industrial enterprises management. The largest research work "The scientific research aims at using new knowledge on increasing the efficiency of realization of investment strategy of LLC NZMP in the conditions of sectoral sanctions and restrictions of financial resources" has been completed by the order of LLC Novokuibishevsk Plant of Oils and Additives (2015-2016).

The research supervisor of the school is Piskunov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, the head of the chair of accounting, analysis and audit of Samara State University of Economics", the Doctor of Economics, professor.

School of sciences "Registration and Analytical Provision and Analysis of Balanced Indicators of Economic Entities’ Development"

Scientific research within the scientific school "Registration and analytical providing and the analysis of balanced indicators of economic entities’ development" focuses on the concepts of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of economic entities’ activity, techniques of the analysis of efficiency of material and labour recourses, financial position, the problems of creation of complex system of accounting and control management that have been designed to form internal registration and reporting information for all levels of organizational and administrative structure of the economic entity proceeding from users’ inquiries.

The research supervisor of the school is Simonova Marina Viktorovna, the head of the chair of  labor economics and human resource management of Samara State University of Economics, the Doctor of Economics, the associate professor.

Scientific school "Labour Management in the Conditions of Innovative Economy"

Firstly, scientific school was created at Kuibyshev Planning Institute, then at Samara State University of Economics and is a leader of regional science about research in the field of labor productivity, salary, labor rationing, labor quality, labor potential.

Scientific research within scientific school "Labour Management in the Conditions of Innovative Economy" aims at the research of labor quality, labor productivity, labor capacity of the enterprises, regional aspect of labor market development.

The leading scientists of scientific school in 2012-2017 performed 5 economic research works on the issues of labor economics and human resource management. The largest research work "Development of the Concept of Formation and Development of Labor Potential of Samara and Tolyatti Agglomeration" has been completed by the order of State unitary enterprise of the Samara region of TerrNIIgrazhdanproyekt institute.

Publication activity

    Elena Patutina — Marina Simonova, DVORAKOVA, Z., FEDOROVA, A., POLENTS, I. (eds). CSR: University Builds the Country. Volume II. Sedlcany : Ústav personalistiky, 2016. С. 119-124
  2. The Formation of Strategic Priorities for Development of Industrial Enterprises of the Samara Region
    Marina V. Simonova, Aleksey V. Streltsov, Vladimir A. Noskov//Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. Vol 6 No 6 S3. November 2015. С. 309. Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s3p309
  3. Approaches to the System Salary Increase in the Region on the Ground of Labor Production Growth. Marina V. Simonova, Lidiya P. Bazhutkin, Vladimir A. Berdnikov. Review of European Studies; Vol. 7, No. 2; 2015. doi:10.5539/res.v7n2p58
  4. Economic and Mathematic Modeling of Labour Efficiency. Marina V. Simonova, Haidar I. Galiullin. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. Vol 6 No 6 S3. November 2015. Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s3p527
  5. Research of Academic Motivation at the Stage of Forming a Threshold Level of Mastering Competences. Oksana Y. Eremichevaa, Vladimir V. Yudina, Inna I. Sheptukhinaa, Natalia I. Zyryanovab, Valery Y. Shevchenkob ,Yuliya G.Komarovac and Marina V. Simonovac. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION. 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 14, 6949-6962
  6. Assessment Problems and Ensuring of Decent Work in the Russian Regions. Marina V. Simonovaa, Larisa V. Sankovab, Farida I. Mirzabalaevac, Dina Ye. Shchipanovad and Vladimir E. Dorozhkind. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION. 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 15, 7608-7626
  7. Economic Factors of Russian Inequality. Vyacheslav N. Bobkova, Margarita A. Vakhtinab and Marina V. Simonova. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION. 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 16, 8900-8910
  8. Teaching Conversational Language Skills to Foreign Students: Blended Learning and Interactive Approaches.  Alla A. Evtyugina, Marina V. Simonova and Roman V. Fedorenko. IEJME — MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 8, 2925-2936
  9. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN RUSSIA: NEW FUNCTIONS AND NEW IN FUNCTIONS monograph / Moscow, 2017 Kibanov A.Ya., Mitrofanova E.A., Dolzhenkova Yu.V., Toy pistol S.P., Mikhaylov F.B., Esaulova I.A., Simonova M.V., Shatalova N.I., Sotnikova S.I., Svistunov V.M., Kirillov A.V., Zhukov A.L., Konovalova V.G., Durakova I.B.
  10. THE ANALYSIS AND the SHORT-TERM FORECAST of EMPLOYMENT of the POPULATION of the SAMARA REGION In the collection: Topical issues of economy and management. Materials V of the International scientific conference. 2017. Page 102-105. Simonova M.V., Zhukova A.A.
  11. 11.  Struttura qualità della forza lavoro Италия «Italian Science Review» Peer Reviewed, Open Access, Free Online Journal Published monthly : ISSN: 2308-832X Issue 12(21); December 2014 PP. 50-53. Available at
    URL: Симонова М.В., Куликов А.Э.
  12. The model of quality assessment of a scientific and educational network performance IEJME — MATHEMATICS EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 8, 2871-2883 Simonova, M.V. Oksana N. Tkacheva, Yuriy V. Matveev
  13. Integration of pedagogical and technological knowledge in forming meta-competencies of a modern worker. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 15, 7836-7846 Sopegina, V.T.,Chapaev, N.K.,Simonova, M.V.